JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee



Refer to a 'Designated Clinical Support Officer' if:
Therapeutic venesection has been required or is planned.

  1. If the donor does not currently require therapeutic venesection, and has not been venesected in the past, accept. 
    Previous blood donation is not considered to be the same as clinical venesection.
  2. If the donor has been approved to donate by a DCSO and is otherwise eligible to donate, accept.
    Minimum intervals between donations for approved donors will be determined by individual blood services.
See if Relevant

Cardiovascular Disease
Liver Disease
Diabetes Mellitus
Hormone Replacement Therapy

Additional Information

Genetic Haemochromatosis (GH) is an inherited condition that can cause the body to accumulate too much iron. The standard treatment for GH is removal of blood through venesection. Individuals with GH will usually be monitored for iron overload through their GP or hospital clinic, and will be offered venesection if required.

Blood from an individual with GH is safe for transfusion as long as the donor meets all other donor selection criteria. However, it is important that GH patients are not under any additional pressure to donate blood. They must be under the care of an appropriate physician who can offer alternative venesection facilities if the donor is unable to donate. For this reason any patient with GH who has been venesected or who currently requires venesection must be approved by a ‘Designated Clinical Support Officer’ prior to acceptance.

Someone who has a diagnosis of GH following genetic testing but who has no iron overloading may be advised by their physician to donate blood, as this will reduce the likelihood of venesection being needed in the future. Donors in this situation can be accepted without DCSO referral, as long as they have not been venesected in clinic.

Reason for change

Clarification of when referral to DCSO is required prior to donation.

Donor Information

If you wish to obtain more information regarding a personal medical issue please contact your National Help Line.

Please do not contact this web site for personal medical queries, as we are not in a position to provide individual answers.

Update Information

This entry was last updated in:
DSG-WB Edition 203, Release 55.