JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome


Must not donate if: 
a.    there is history of excessive bleeding or bruising 
b.    there is a history of repeated joint dislocation involving the upper limbs 
c.    there are complications due to effects on the heart, cardiovascular system and other organs, e.g. heart valve disease or aortic root involvement, or the donor is under active investigation, treatment or follow up by a specialist 
d.   there is active periodontal disease   


If the condition is mild and donor is not prone to excessive bruises or bleeding, even if taking analgesics for joint pain, accept 

See if Relevant

Autoimmune Disease
Cardiovascular Disease 
Drug Index 

Additional Information

Ehlers Danlos syndrome is usually a mild condition which typically presents with hypermobility of joints, joint pains and tendency to bruising. Most donors are treated symptomatically, usually with analgesics for joint pains. 
If there is doubt about the diagnosis or severity, refer to a Designated Clinical Support Officer.