JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Immunisation - Live

No Exposure


Must not donate if:
Less than eight weeks from administration.


If more than four weeks from administration of a live immunisation other than smallpox immunisation and the inoculation site has healed, accept.

See if Relevant

Smallpox Immunisation

Additional Information

Live immunisations use living viruses or living bacteria that will stimulate the immune system but do not normally cause a severe illness. They may however cause severe illness in people who are already unwell and have a weakened immune system. By four weeks, any infection caused by the immunisation should have been controlled and so should not be passed on through donated material. There are special rules for BCG and smallpox immunisations.

Reason for Change

Advice has been given from SACTTI that a period of four weeks is sufficient to ensure that there would be no circulating virus or bacteria at time of donation for live immunisations other than smallpox.

Update Information

This advice is a requirement of the EU Tissue & Cells Directive.

This entry was last updated in
TDSG-DD Edition 203, Release 09