JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Teaching and learning facilities


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Learnbloodtransfusion (LBT) is a continuing education programme in blood transfusion developed by the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service. The aim of the programme is to assist all staff involved in the transfusion process provide high standards of care to patients, improve transfusion practice and minimise risk to patients and practitioners.

The e-learning modules deliver relevant and up to date content. Each module has an associated assessment to test learner knowledge, with an 80% pass mark and there is the facility to print off a certificate of completion, allowing users to generate evidence of learning.

Since its launch LBT has evolved from the initial ‘core’ modules to include a number of ‘specialist’ modules. Further development and review of the resources are funded by the UK and Ireland BBT Network.

Core modules

Module 1: Safe Transfusion Practice: highlights the correct procedures and practices for the transfusion process and is aimed at all staff groups, including medical and nursing staff, operating department practitioners, clinical support workers and porters.

Module 1: Safe Transfusion Practice for Paediatrics: aimed at all staff working in the paediatric setting, and highlights the correct procedures and practices for the transfusion process.

Module 2: Blood Components and Indications for Use: covers the constituents of blood components and summarises the indications for use, the therapeutic risks and benefits and the management of adverse events. The module has been designed for clinicians, nurses and operating department practitioners who regularly use blood components in their day-to-day practice.

Specialist modules

Transfusion Laboratory – safe practice module: promotes safe practice in the transfusion laboratory, and covers the key safety issues associated with sample acceptability, serological testing, component issue and traceability. It focuses on the role of the laboratory in haemovigilance and the importance of effective communication between various staff groups. Aimed at Healthcare Scientists (Biomedical & Clinical) and Biomedical Support Workers working in the transfusion laboratory, however other staff groups may find this module useful.

Good Manufacturing Practice for Hospital Blood Banks: aimed at all staff in the hospital blood banks, this module has been developed to provide a basic understanding of the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice for Hospital Blood Bank staff as imposed by the United Kingdom Blood Safety & Quality Regulations (2005), as amended, (BSQR 2005).

Anti-D Clinical module: this module covers pathophysiology, management of routine and non-routine care during pregnancy, informed decision making and administration of anti-D immunoglobulin. The module is aimed at clinicians, midwives, nurses and general practitioners.

Anti-D Laboratory module: this module covers routine laboratory testing in pregnancy and the role of the laboratory in anti-D prophylaxis and anti-D sensitised pregnancies and has been developed for clinicians, midwives, nurses, general practitioners, and biomedical scientists working in haematology and transfusion laboratories.

Learn Cell Salvage module: designed to increase awareness of a range of blood conservation techniques. Covering basic blood facts, blood conservation, intraoperative cell salvage (ICS) and postoperative cell salvage (PCS). Aimed at all relevant staff disciplines working in theatres.

Consent for Transfusion module: covers the background and rationale for having consent for transfusion, addressing the legal and practical aspects of capacity, providing information to the patient, an overview of the benefits, risks and alternatives to transfusion. Designed for clinicians and nurses involved in the consent process and should be used in conjunction with Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice and Module 2 Blood Components and Indications for Use.

Learnbloodtransfusion is available throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland. See below for details of access:

England: there are three routes of access –

  • learnPro NHSTM learning management system: an open access internet based learning management system, individual learners register under their employing organisation/institution. Organisations in England can register by contacting the NHSBT customer service team (
  • National Learning Management System (NLMS): this is only accessible to staff in NHS organisations in England that are using ESR. Contact your local learning and development department to find out if your trust has implemented NLMS and has subscribed to the learnbloodtransfusion courses.
  • E-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH): Learnbloodtransfusion is one of the projects on the e-LfH, and anyone registered to e-LfH can access it.

Scotland: access is available to all NHS Scotland Boards via learnPro NHSTM.

Northern Ireland: all hospitals are registered with learnPro NHSTM.

Republic of Ireland: access is available via learnPro NHSTM.

Wales: all hospitals are registered with learnPro NHSTM. External organisations in Wales should contact or