JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Adverse Effects of Transfusion

  • Geneen LJ, Brunskill SJ, Doree C, Estcourt LJ, Green L.
    The Difference in Potential Harms between Whole Blood and Component Blood Transfusion in major Bleeding: A Rapid Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of RCTs.
    Transfusion Medicine Reviews. 2022;36(1):7-15.
    Access abstract: PubMed / full text: Elsevier (subscription required)
  • McCullagh J, Cardigan R, Brunskill SJ, Bullock T, Doree C, Estcourt L, et al
    Assessing the risks of haemolysis as an adverse reaction following the transfusion of ABO incompatible plasma-containing components - A scoping review.
    Blood Reviews. 2022;56:100989.
    Access abstract: PubMed / full text: Elsevier (subscription required)
  • Wolf J, Geneen LJ, Meli A, Doree C, Cardigan R, New HV.
    Hyperkalaemia Following Blood Transfusion-a Systematic Review Assessing Evidence and Risks.
    Transfusion Medicine Reviews. 2022;36(3):133-42.
    Access abstract: PubMed / full text: Elsevier (subscription required)