JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Document and Change Control

The GDRI is under the continuing review of the Standing Advisory Committees for the Care and Selection of Donors (SACCSD) and for Transfusion Transmitted Infection (SACTTI). This is to ensure that they are accurate and up to date. All changes have the approval of the UKBTS Joint Professional Advisory Committee (JPAC).

Change Notification.
Changes are notified to the Medical Director and to the Quality Manager of each of the four national services by a Change Notification from the Chairman of JPAC. All changes will have the approval of JPAC.

Implementation of changes is the responsibility of the individual national service.

Document version terminology.
A version shall be any of the following:
Extensive revisions of this document are known as 'Editions'.
Changes following the issue of 'Change Notification Letters' are known as 'Releases'.
Changes to the website, which do not involve a change to the medical or scientific content, are given an 'Issue' number.

Edition Date, Release Date and Issue Date is the date on which an Edition, Release or Issue is first published on the UKBTS website.

Changes to printed versions.
The Quality Manager of each Blood Service will effect changes to the document. They will be informed when a new electronic version is released. The Quality Manager is responsible for ensuring that there is an effective Document Control and Document Change procedure in operation within their Blood Service to ensure that only up to date versions are in use and that all authorized copies, both electronic and paper, are traceable.

Individual users of the GDRI are responsible for ensuring that they are using an up-to-date version.

Changes to the website versions.
The website will always display the up to date version. Any errors should be notified to



Last updated 28/06/2023