JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Welcome to the Systematic Review Initiative (SRI)

The Systematic Review Initiative (SRI) is a clinical research group established in 2001 by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) and funded through the four UK Blood Services. We are based within NHSBT's Oxford Blood Centre at the John Radcliffe Hospital and have developed close links with both the hospital and the University of Oxford.

The primary objective of the SRI is to “develop the evidence base for the practice of transfusion medicine”. To this end, we so far have undertaken over 100 systematic reviews and other evidence-based medicine research projects in the transfusion field. For full details of publications and projects in progress please see the SRI Publications page.   

Another core activity of the SRI is producing the Transfusion Evidence Library, a curated collection of systematic reviews and randomied controlled trials on all aspects of transfusion medicine, and Stem Cell Evidence, a comprehensive collection of high quality research relevant to haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Updated monthly, these specialist databases provide access to high quality, evidence-based information for medical practitioners, policy makers and researchers around the world.

The SRI is supported by three transfusion medicine/haematology clinicians, three information specialists and four systematic reviewers with expertise in the methodology of systematic reviews and evidence-based medicine. Statistical support is received from the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences in Oxford. The SRI is supported by an independent steering committee consisting of representatives from relevant professional bodies across the UK, and receives further input from clinical experts from both the UK and North America. A primary role of the steering committee is to identify topics and priorities for new systematic reviews.

If you would like to contact us, please use the 'Contact Us' page.

SRI Annual Report

SRI Annual Report 2023

Older reports are available from the SRI on request.